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Learning Update Challenge

Learning Update-Week 8

This week marks the end of the challenge I gave myself: Post a weekly update on what I’ve been learning about, my …

Learning Update-Week 7

Almost to the end of the experiment, so I’m starting to think about how to present the data, as well as what …

Learning Update-Week 6

Despite the week being a bit shorter due to a statutory holiday, I worked through pretty much what I set out to. …

Learning Update-Week 5

Whoops! A day late posting this, as it was a statutory holiday on Monday here in Canada. Week 5! This means I’m …

Learning Update-Week 4

Well, that was quite a week! Some of my regular work took longer than anticipated, so I didn’t get in as much …

Learning Update-Week 3

Coming out of the third week of this challenge, I’m a little surprised at just how often unplanned learning opportunities are showing …

Learning Update-Week 2

Week 2 was a pretty solid one, learning-wise. I didn’t quite hit all my goals, and I also picked up a new …

Learning Update-Week 1

I’ve decided to give myself a new challenge: Post a weekly update on what I’ve been learning about, my thoughts on what …